Call for projects “Rapid Deployment of Decarbonisation in Industry

Call for projects “Rapid Deployment of Decarbonisation in Industry
Mots-clésCall for projects
Forest1st transformationWood ConstructionFurnitureEnvironment
DECARB-FLASH is a call for projects from ADEME which aims to finance rapid actions to reduce fossil energy consumption in small industrial sites.

Are you concerned?

Industrial sites with less than 500 employees, for projects with a total cost between €100K and €3M.

DECARB FLASH aims to finance actions that can be rapidly deployed, mainly concerning energy efficiency, heat recovery or linked to the production of renewable heat and cold concerning utilities, processes and industrial buildings. Investments must be linked to existing installations.

For this call for projects, ADEME has listed the eligible actions with precise definitions of what is eligible for funding.

Closing date of the call for projects: 03/11/22

For all your questions

Emilie Bossanne
Head of Research and Development
contact Emilie

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