FCBA, training organisation

Do you want to train your teams in new technologies? Do you have a new employee and want to bring them up to speed quickly? Increase your skills with our business courses and consult our training offer right away.

Catalogue and customised training courses

Info COVID 19: our face-to-face courses are maintained

Important information

Following the announcements by the President of the Republic, here are the measures taken by FCBA:

Mastering today’s and tomorrow’s know-how, developing individual skills, contributing to social cohesion within the company, supporting the technological changes in your organisation…  To meet this need for competitiveness, FCBA updates its training offer every year and also offers you tailor-made training. We can bring the expert trainer to your company and respond specifically to your request.

Our trainers are experts in their field. They will help you deepen your knowledge, explain the latest regulations, present new technical developments, etc.

Our training courses meet the needs of the profession: their operational objectives bring substantial gains in technicality and productivity for the participants and their companies. 

FCBA also assists you in the technical and financial set-up of your training to support the technological changes in your organisation and to meet your needs by bringing an expert trainer into your company.

My skills
My technical expertise
My competition

The top courses for 2019!


Timber frame ▪ Eurocode calculation ▪ Joinery ▪ Wood protection

Primary processing and supply

Site organisation ▪ Logging equipment ▪ Timber grading ▪ Timber machining ▪ Sharpening ▪ Drying


Domestic and outdoor furniture standards ▪ Finishing ▪ Safety ▪ Panel saw

Distance learning

You do not have the possibility to travel? You prefer to follow several short modules? Distance learning can meet your needs.

Maximum accessibility

Many of the training courses given by FCBA are also available as distance learning courses.

Divided into sessions of 2 or 3 hours that you can follow from anywhere, these training courses will meet your needs to save time while ensuring quality training.

Develop your skills with recognised experts

Gaining competitiveness by always being at the forefront of new developments

Understand the challenges of your sector

And soon a QUALIOPI certified training organisation

After Datadock, the FCBA Institute has decided to become certified. This Qualiopi certification, issued by a COFRAC-accredited certification body in accordance with the ISO 17065 standard, will give companies access to public funding, whether from the State, Pôle emploi, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations or the OPCOs.

The aim is to continue to support companies as closely as possible to their needs by helping them, thanks to this certification, to have their training courses financed.After Datadock since 2017, the FCBA Technological Institute has taken the decision to have its training body certified. This Qualiopi certification, issued by a COFRAC-accredited certifying body in accordance with the ISO 17065 standard, will give companies access to public funding, whether from the State, Pôle emploi, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations or OPCOs.

The aim is to continue to support companies as closely as possible to their needs by helping them, thanks to this certification, to have their training financed.