EFFORTE: Sustainable and competitive forestry

EFFORTE: Sustainable and competitive forestry
DateProject completed
With the European EFFORTE project, FCBA, ONF, International Paper Comptoir des Bois de Brive, the Société d'Exploitation Forestière de l'Est and the Forêts et Bois de l'Est cooperative have worked together to integrate the practicability of forest floors.

This programme combines machinery, technical and organisational considerations, and support for change for forestry managers and professionals.

Consolidate the scientific knowledge to use partitions in good conditions

EFFORTE was funded by BioBasedIndustries Joint Undertaking under the auspices of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, agreement no. 720712 and by COPACEL.

Partitioning has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account to guarantee the capacity of the network to ensure its function in the long term. To better understand the phenomena involved, water transfer models in soils and bulkheads were developed. The scientific partnership has made it possible, in particular through a thesis, to consolidate knowledge on water transfers in forest soils according to their degree of settlement.

The long-term monitoring of the experimental sites, known as “compaction sites”, provides additional results on the soil conditions observed several years after compaction. A new monitoring of the stands was also carried out during the project. The results as they stand do not allow any conclusions to be drawn on what could be a natural restoration phenomenon on a partition. On the other hand, they do provide new and striking arguments on the importance of not driving all over a plot.

The pressure exerted by a machine is multi-factorial (total actual laden mass, tyre width and diameter, wheel load) and it is crucial to be able to characterise machines other than by average values. The work in EFFORTE has led to a better understanding of the pressures exerted by carriers. This argues for their circulation to be controlled and channelled along well-defined partitions or routes.

Dialogue and pilot projects for progress

In addition to technical and organisational innovations, knowledge transfer is essential for operators in the field who make decisions about forestry operations.

Several dozen “practicability” workshops have been organised since 2018. Over the course of the sessions and through dialogue with the groups met, FCBA has adapted these knowledge harmonisation days between managers and logging companies. The appropriation of basic knowledge through cross-dialogue makes it possible to gather a maximum of chances for the instructions transmitted to be well understood and applied.

The running of pilot tests also makes it possible to support professionals in adapting their practices and organisations. These showcase projects are particularly relevant when a new dynamic needs to be found between the client and the service provider. In this co-construction, experiences with negative results can also be rich in lessons if they allow for the awareness of errors that should not be repeated, the calm formulation of avenues for improvement, etc. During the EFFORTE project, F&BE and CBB were able to play the game of this continuous improvement.

Project coordinator : :
LUKE (Finland)

ONF, INRAé-EMMAH, International Paper Comptoir des Bois de Brive, the Eastern Forestry Company, COPACEL et la coopérative Forêts et Bois de l’Est were the French partners in the project.

European partners research organisations and similar bodies :
Finland : LUKE
Switzerland: AGROSCOPE

European industrial partners :
Finland : Abronaut, MetsaGroup, Metsateho Oy., UPM, Stora Enso Oy.
Sweden : SCA Skog, Holen AB, Sveaskog, Stora Enso AB, SODRA, Creative
Scotland : James & Jones, Woodilee

The EFFORTE project was funded by Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the aegis of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, agreement n° 720712 and by COPACEL.