Within the framework of the Materials and Equipment for Sustainable Construction (MECD) initiative, the Industrial Technical Centres (CTI) of the construction industry have joined forces to study the energy and environmental performance of French industrial buildings. This project is a continuation of BATINDUS 1, which established a methodology for identifying and classifying industrial buildings using a selection of criteria. This methodology also proposes a segmentation of industrial building types based on a study of the industrial market context and building typology. The methodology was tested through the study of the environmental and energy performance of 6 representative cases and allowed the creation of a typological matrix of the existing building stock.
Purpose of the project
Wishing to reinforce the reference constituted by the first component, the objective of the BATINDUS 2 component is based on the methodology and the matrix established during Component 1 and aims to increase the number of representative cases studied in order to consolidate the matrix and thus reach approximately 10% of the cases identified in the matrix to allow for an extrapolation of the energy and environmental issues to the scale of the French building stock.