Innovative methodology for the non-destructive evaluation of timber frame walls by SCAN

Innovative methodology for the non-destructive evaluation of timber frame walls by SCAN
DateProject completed
MOBSCAN is an exploratory project, financed by the CARNOT MECD and ARTS springboards, whose objective is to develop a non-destructive testing (NDT) measurement protocol corresponding to a first wood-frame wall configuration. It is a combination of image analysis techniques using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and a complementary analysis using Infra Red Thermography (IRT).

The experimental protocol developed in the project was adopted first by material, then by succession of materials and so on until the total composition of a wood-frame wall: cladding, air gap, rain screen, OSB panel, insulation, wood studs, vapour barrier, air gap, plasterboard. A 3D reconstruction and cross-referencing of the signals obtained for the signature of the sound materials and those with defects: cut or compressed insulation, presence of metal, presence of moisture. The results obtained showed that the different components of the wall can be identified with precision on the dimensions and depth of the layers. In addition, the GPR Radar technique allows the detection of moisture in the wood, which would indicate the state of degradation of the frameworks that are in contact with the singular points and the defects found in the wall.

In the long term, this information will be used for auditing, building diagnostics, damage analysis or to justify the conformity of new buildings.

Coordinateur du projet :

Partenaires :
Institut mécanique et d’ingénierie de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux, LMDC Toulouse, Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

Projet financé par :
MECD, Institut Carnot