Exposure to wood dust concerns approximately 370,000 employees and is still complex to understand for the companies concerned. In addition to collection at source and extraction and suction systems, the implementation of effective collective prevention is also based upstream on a risk assessment, the regulatory challenge of which is compliance with the Occupational Exposure Limit Value (OELV) for wood dust, set in France at 1 mg/m3. A series of studies (TEMPOBOIS 1 & 2, MESOREM), led by FCBA and financed by CODIFAB, have highlighted the difficulties encountered by professionals in complying with the OEL. The PROPOBOIS study is a continuation of these previous studies.
Purpose of the project
Two main initial objectives were set:
Define the progress approach during the improvement or probationary period
Define the optimum use of the optical sensor in this process.
During the course of the study, the first of these objectives was redefined by the steering committee’s (COPIL) wish to better characterise the decision-making grid proposed by the INRS, which aims to facilitate the constitution of HWGs, the aim of the approach being to provide companies with tools enabling them to carry out a self-assessment of wood dust exposure.