Our accreditations
As a certification body, FCBA is accredited by COFRAC according to the NF EN ISO 17065 standard for the certification of products and services (scope of accreditation n° 5-0011), which is available on the cofrac.fr website.
FCBA’s laboratories are accredited by COFRAC according to the NF EN ISO 17025 standard (scopes n°1-0201 and 1-6839 available on cofrac.fr).
Detailed scopes of Certification and Testing activities under flexible scope accreditation can be provided on request to:
In addition, the Chemistry-Ecotoxicology laboratory on the Bordeaux site benefits from GLP recognition for fields 1, 4 and 6.
Within the framework of certification activities, on request, FCBA provides information on the procedures for handling complaints and appeals.
For other activities (testing, consultancy, expertise, etc.), FCBA also provides a description of the complaints handling process on request.
The request should be sent to the Quality Department at the following address: