Standardization – BNBA

The Bureau de Normalisation du Bois et de l'Ameublement (BNBA), which is part of FCBA, leads and coordinates the standardisation work for wood, wood products and furniture. AFNOR delegates to the BNBA its role of national representative for the majority of the sectors of activity of the wood and furniture sectors. The documents available on the site cover all areas of activity related to FCBA, at national (NF), European (CEN) and international (ISO) levels.

Standardisation in the building sector

Historically, the standards meeting the needs of the building industry are mainly developed by four sectoral standards offices, operating under delegation from AFNOR. They work together in particular within the framework of the Coordination Group for Building Standards (GCNorBât-DTU):

Other sectoral standardisation offices or AFNOR, in its similar activity, actively contribute to standardisation to cover all areas of the Construction sector.


04 et 11/07/2024

AF 041 Cercueils


DTU 31-2 Bâtiment Ossature bois


BF 063 Menuiseries bois


DTU 51.4 Platelages


TC 175 Bois ronds bois sciés + WG5


BF 063 Menuiseries bois


DTU 51.4 Platelages

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