Draft review of the Ecodesign Directive

Draft review of the Ecodesign Directive
Mots-clésRéglementation EN
The draft revision of the Ecodesign Directive aims to make sustainable products the norm on the European market, empower consumers to act in favour of the ecological transition, set eco-design requirements and promote circular economy models.

Currently, the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC) applies to energy-using products. The new proposals aim to extend the scope of the directive to non-energy using products.

Today, an initial assessment by the Commission has prioritised product categories such as chemicals (paints, detergents), textiles, steel, aluminium and furniture.


This revision is composed of 14 chapters for a total of 71 articles, distributed as follows:

  • Chapter 1: General provisions (3 articles)
  • Chapter 2: Ecodesign requirements (4 articles)
  • Chapter 3: Digital Product Passport (6 articles)
  • Chapter 4: Labelling (2 articles)
  • Chapter 5: Prioritisation and Planning (4 articles)
  • Chapter 6: Destruction of unsold consumer products (1 article)
  • Chapter 7: Obligations of economic operators (11 articles)
  • Chapter 8: Product compliance (9 articles)
  • Chapter 9: Notification of conformity assessment bodies (16 articles)
  • Chapter 10: Incentive measures (2 articles)
  • Chapter 11: Market Surveillance (4 articles)
  • Chapter 12: Safeguard procedures (3 articles)
  • Chapter 13: Delegated Powers and Committee Procedure (2 articles)
  • Chapter 14: Final provisions (4 articles)

Some of these articles could have a significant impact on the furniture sector and have been identified in the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: General provisions
  • Chapter 2: Ecodesign requirements
  • Chapter 3: Digital Product Passport
  • Chapter 4: Labelling
  • Chapter 6: Destruction of unsold consumer products
  • Chapter 8: Product compliance

FCBA has carried out an initial comparative analysis of this draft revision of the Ecodesign Directive with the requirements of the AGEC law (law no. 2020-105 of 10 February 2020 on the fight against waste and the circular economy) and the Climate and Resilience law (law no. 2021-1104 of 22 August 2021 on combating climate change and strengthening resilience to its effects) in order to anticipate the possible differences, and therefore the adaptation needs of French companies, if the text were to be accepted as it stands.

This monitoring will be continued as and when information on the draft Ecodesign Directive is communicated by Europe.

This document is available on request for companies that are members of CODIFAB A.

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Environment Consultant Circular Economy
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