Environmental labelling – Revision of the furniture standard

Environmental labelling – Revision of the furniture standard
Mots-clésRéglementation EN
The consultation for the revision of the furniture standard BP X 30-323-4 is open for 22 September and 6 December 2022.

The sector standard BP X 30-323-4, which sets out the rules for environmental labelling of furniture, is already five years old! The time has come for its revision.

On this occasion, we will take the opportunity to specify the rules for calculating the environmental impact of furniture produced using a circular economy approach.

Come and take part in the collective work sessions to update this sectoral reference system according to the new official framework proposed by ADEME. In accordance with the rules in force, the result of this work will then be audited, for a target publication in 2023.

All organisations that are directly or indirectly concerned by the environmental display of furniture products are welcome to participate.

Registration is free but mandatory

This work is part of the AffiC programme, led by FCBA in partnership with the MU cooperative, with the financial support of Eco-Mobilier and Valdelia.

For all your questions

Head of Research and Development
contact Emilie

With the support
