Evertree Testimonial

Evertree Testimonial
Wood ConstructionEnvironment
Interview with Nicolas Masson, CEO - Managing Director EVERTREE

How was EVERTREE born?
In 2010, American researchers are interested in canola meal as a raw material to create adhesives for panels. Indeed, it is an abundant raw material, natural but not valued in chemistry although it is rich in protein and contains very interesting properties. From there, an additive that allows to reduce by 20% the isocyanate type resins (widely used for OSB) has been designed. This technology could be commercialized thanks to the AVRIL group. In 2016, thanks to the AVRIL and BPI groups, EVERTREE was born.

Promising results, but a desire to think bigger
The results achieved with this resin reduced by 20% of fossil chemicals, without losing any basic properties, is called the Green Boost and is a first success with its marketing, but in our eyes it does not represent THE solution especially for panels used indoors containing formaldehyde, with the VOC problems we know.
So in 2017, we launched the project to make a resin with canola meal, called rapeseed in France, which aims to achieve 100% biobased. In 2020, the project was completed and the resin obtained is indeed a plant-based adhesive solution. Following a meeting with Panneaux de Corrèze, convinced by the product, we can launch the industrialization of the solution. The new NEXT range of products from Panneaux de Corrèze will be the first range made of French wood panels with a French resin of vegetable origin, from French agriculture!

The collaboration with FCBA
Many tests have been done at the pilot scale at EVERTREE upstream, but to achieve the expected result the internal team lacked some technical skills. EVERTREE has always looked for partners who have a real will to innovate and who are concerned by environmental and societal issues.
It is in 2019 that the collaboration with the FCBA Technological Institute starts, especially for all the finishing tests (lacquering, routing, cutting, impact resistance) and air quality (VOC). Their experts were able to raise issues that we had not thought of. We also conducted mechanical and water resistance tests. We still have tests underway, mainly on particleboard and the whole life cycle analysis aspect, a subject on which FCBA is at the forefront. FCBA will therefore continue to help us in the years to come in the development of our products.

What about tomorrow?
EVERTREE has succeeded in developing a biosourced resin, which has the same properties as a petroleum-based resin, for panels that have a carbon impact of -20% compared to a conventional panel.
We are now working to achieve similar results with particleboard, which is widely used in interior furniture to ensure that the end consumer benefits from increasingly healthy indoor air quality.

Nicolas Masson, CEO – General Manager EVERTREE