SYLVECO : Decision support for silvicultural interventions

SYLVECO : Decision support for silvicultural interventions
DateProject completed
Sylveco is a web application, a technical and economic decision support tool (DST) for forest management and exploitation practitioners, developed and financed within the framework of a consortium comprising the FCBA technology institute, Alliance Forêts Bois, the Société forestière de la Caisse des Dépôts, and Smurfit Kappa comptoir du Pin

Historical :

2000s creation of the Sylveco software by the consortium

2018-2019 evolution of Sylveco into a web tool, Maritime Pine model, economic module, volume definition module, scenario comparison module, multi-cycle simulations module.

2020-2021 use within the consortium’s stakeholders

In progress opening to other users, addition of Douglas fir

….. as requests arise possible addition of other models and other modules (wood quality, risk analysis, carbon balance, etc.)

Characteristics :

User autonomy (own choices) and flexibility

  • Choice of different options available in the application
    Choice of species
    Choice of fertility classes
    Choice of growth model
    Choice of silvicultural itineraries
    Choice of complementary module(s) (economy, …)
  • Creation of fertility classes, itineraries and tariffs that will be saved in the shared database or the user’s database.

Sylveco web already functional

Pin maritime

The core of Sylveco is a growth simulator based on models developed for each species. The results provide information on the main dendrometric characteristics of the stand. From these results, the tools available in the application (modules) can be used to calculate commercial volumes, to make economic analyses, to compare scenarios, … Currently, due to a progressive development, only the maritime pine model is included.

It is based on the FCBA maritime pine stand growth model, which allows simulations to be carried out at the plot level using simple initial data (age, average diameter, density, fertility class) and a configurable silvicultural itinerary (time of intervention, type of thinning and harvesting).  Now that the test phase is over and it is being used within the consortium, the objective is to add other models and tools (modules) and to open it up to the entire sector.

This information allows professionals to test various scenarios and then easily compare them to make choices illuminated.

Sylveco web, a player in the digital transformation of companies

The consortium FCBA, Alliance Forêts Bois, Société forestière Caisse des Dépôts, Smurfit Kappa comptoir du Pin wished to develop the Sylveco tool towards a web version to accompany the evolution of uses. The objective is to migrate Sylveco to a tool that is more accessible by improving the user experience and opening it up to other consortia, and that can evolve by adding new models and creating new modules.

The whole benefits from improved portability allowing use in the forest and is based on a business application that will allow each company to select and customise the functions it needs but also to allow or not the sharing of certain data between users.